5 INSANELY USEFUL HACKS For Building A Local Email List

Emails list on a laptop screen, office background

99% of consumers check their email every day!…

80% of retail professionals indicate that email marketing is their greatest
driver of customer retention…

87% of marketers use email campaigns to nurture their audiences…

It’s no surprise that list-building gets a lot of attention – and it probably
sounds like a lot of work!

When you’re already wearing multiple hats every day, it can be exhausting to
think about adding another chore to your never-ending to-do list!

Guess what?

It doesn’t have to be difficult to build a list.

Here are some quick and easy hacks to try.

1.                   If you have a storefront, train your cashiers to ask for email addresses during checkout. This is such an easy method its surprising when businesses dont use it. Let customers know theyll get early access to sales or special coupon codes if they subscribe.

2.      Post about your list on social media and include a link to your opt-in form. This is a great tip if your social media following is outstepping your subscribers. It only takes a minute to do and your business can build an email list very quickly this way.

3.      If you have email addresses that youve collected from your loyalty program or other sources, you should add them to your main email list! As long as you include an opt-out option at the bottom of the email, it shouldnt be a problem.

4.      Partner with other local businesses and see if they are willing to include you in their email list to help you attract more customers – and vice versa!

5.      Put opt-in forms on every page of your website(s), including your home page. You may want to experiment with static opt-in forms on the margin of the page as well as pop-ups and light boxes to see what gets the biggest response.


BONUS TIP: In an email series, I like to add an enticing P.S. at the bottom to text about my next email and build anticipation.

The bottom line is that email marketing has one of the highest ROIs of any marketing technique and I recommend it to all of my clients. These local email marketing tips here will help you build a robust list, create content your subscribers will love, and grow your business!

Building an Email List is one of the absolute best investments of time, energy and effort any local business could make. Its also not the most intuitive unless you know what youre doing! Need help? Reach out to us. We love this stuff and would be happy to help you! Our website – ciserve.com